Sunday, April 08, 2007

Why deej is a cunt, Part 2,574

In another entry in our ongoing series, deej once again shows his wit and charm by lashing out at yet another poster for no reason.

Poster Tristan wrote the following:

I recall there was a recent thread on this site in which a member stated that Athan (pictured)had passed away. I did advanced searches and could not find any reference to Athan. Perhaps, another member can provide more information.

- Tristan

Then after being corrected by another poster, Tristan clarified:

I didn't speculate on anything. I specificly stated that I recalled reading on this site that he was no longer with us, and asked for someone in the know to comment.

However, after researching a number of sources, I discovered that the escort I recalled reading about on this site is Jason Rylee from Boston. I think you can verify that this is correct. I'd rather not say why I confused the two, but I'm sorry if I misled anyone. And I'm certainly glad to hear that Athan is still with us and apologize to him for my incorrect recollection. Further, I'm sure regular posters would have set things straight based on direct knowledge.

Now calm down and don't be so hard on people. Again, I never said anything definitive. Slamming people for the slightest reason is the sort of thing that chased a lot of people from this site.

Should have been it, right? But here comes meth mouth and resident fuckhead deej to belittle yet another unsuspecting poster:

What agenda are you promoting by repeating information that you yourself admit isn't in the MC archive?

deej sees conspiracies everywhere. He even went so far as to file a police report on BON because BON posted a link to deej's personal website. No one has run off more posters from m4m than deej. But that's because deej is a cunt.

Cory say: Massengil does wonders

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Who the fuck did you say I am?

Four Aces? not hardly.
BON? Obsession is not my style
Rico? Nah, but there's a HUGE reason why Rico can't post anymore
ChgoBoy? Lost track of his multiple IDs a while ago ;)

But keep guessing though

Cory say: Vanna, spin me a letter

Friday, April 06, 2007

The Big Story or Why We Love Doug69

The big story during our absence was the expose done on escort princess Benjamin Nicholas by uber poster Doug69. No one comes close to our admiration of this man and his dogged pursuit of the truth. Through careful and painstaking research, Doug discovered Ben's plagiarism:

At the top of Benjamin Nicholas' blog, it says "15 Benjamin Nicholas." But a more accurate title would be: "15 Benjamin Nicholas, Dave Barry, Andy Borowitz, and assorted other victims of his serial plagiarism."

Allow me to explain. And before you conclude that this is just a Benjamin-bashing thread, read through to the end because all assertions are factually based and backed up with links to the source materials.

A few days ago, I was reading the February issue of GQ magazine and the Talk Back column struck me as being strangely familiar. Had I read this issue already and forgotten about it? I was puzzled. The more I thought about it, the more it bugged me, but then I remembered. I went to my computer and opened Benjamin's blog, of which I am an avid and loyal reader. In his latest entry dated Feb. 27, 2007, that entire column from GQ was copied verbatim (with just a few subtle word changes in the opening) without any reference or credit to its source. Benjamin states, "I've come up with a nifty 8 point-plan" to help the Democrats, presented as if it were his own original writing, but it is completely ripped off from Gentleman's Quarterly. Here is the link to the online version:

This made me wonder how much of what Benjamin writes comes from other sources, so I started googling sentences from his most recent blog posts, and then further back through the archives. What I found was shocking. Entire portions of our beloved Benjamin Nicholas' blog, for the past 2 years, have been lifted directly, in their entirety, from other peoples' COPYRIGHTED material.

Naturally, Ben's sychophants came out in force:

skrubber (BN's #1 sub): Dougy, Dougy. Just when I thought we were rid of you, you raise your ugly head.

TNT Ted(who seems to bizarrely see BN as the victim rather than the criminal):This thread has turned into an example of why I quit posting on this message board. You guys are like vultures that swoop in after someone's been attacked, injured, and dying. It doesn't matter that Ben may have brought this predicament on himself. It doesn't matter that the allegations are very serious. (And before anyone suggests that I've got my tongue up his ass, let me say that I've never met him and never intend to). I'm just I'm amazed at and disgusted with how gleefully you have embraced his misfortune. "Woo-hoo, let's kick him while he's down."

It's often stated -- "this message board is just sport" -- "lighten up" -- "don't take it seriously" ......... Yeah, right!

You get the idea. No shame, no condemnation, just Poor poor BN.

But of course, we'll let the incredibly imbecilic Rockhard have the last word, as he tries so desperately to cast Doug as the villain:

"My question to you is, did you consider (or did you) send your note to BN in private with all your findings and give him an opportunity to react prior to posting?"

Thank you, PWIT, for being the only member on this board to ask a very important question. I have no idea what the answer is but I will say:

The act of assassinating someone's character in public without warning or presenting an opportunity for the accused to respond to or challenge the accusations in private is no less ignoble than the actions of a thief and deceiver. I would also argue that someone who takes pleasure in destroying another human being and his livelihood, in a public arena and without notice, is a "filthy, depraved, morally bankrupt lowlife."

(Edit) I see the answer has come in.

Cory say three words: Stuck on Stupid

Okay, so I'm No Lois Lane

After a WAY too long hiatus, the NEW Hooville News is back. So, if a blog fell in the forest and nobody was around to read it, does it matter if it's back?

Cory say, I hate bologna.

Monday, December 11, 2006

To twinklover and Erik/Ethan/dotan

Will you two get a fucking room already???????????????

Tampa Yankee Becomes deej

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Backstage with Regis and Kelly.....

"Oh God, Reeg, it was awful. That Aiken thing put his hands on me. I wanted to just VOMIT!"

Regis thought to himself, "Damn, what I wouldn't give to have Kathie Lee back."

"Sweetie, you've done the same thing to me a thousand times."

Kelly rolled her eyes and flipped her hair back, "But hands haven't been down a man's pants...oh wait, there was that one time when Mark was backstage..."

Their conversation is interrupted by a caterwaul....


Both hosts turned white. It was their stalker..again.

Regis quickly regained his composure and called for security, "You God Damn assholes get that thing out of here..NOW!!!

As the 5 security guards hauled the 500 lb man thing out the back door he started wailing plaintiffly, 'BUT REG!! I was there at your wedding!!! I know Liza!! and Whitney!! And Kelly!!! I was there at your wedding to Mark..and at your honeymoon...and down the street from your house...and even in your bedroom one time sniffing, er wearing Mark's underwear...."

Kelly shook her head, "How many times has Rockhead snuck backstage now, 6 or 7?"

"I don't know, but how the heck does someone that large get past security all the time?"

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Showdown at the OK Corral 2

barz looked at axel.

axel looked at barz.

The heat was shimmering off the dusty street.

"You know what? You ain't worth my time" barz said as he moved his hand away from his holster and slowly backed up.

"I knew you were a worthless chicken shit" axel laughed, spitting on the ground. The next thing you know, barz was clutching his chest. Red seeped through his white shirt. He collapsed to his knees.

"You worthless piece of...."

And then he fell over. Dead.

axel looked stunned. He hadn't fired. But he did see a figure walking up the street. Black chaps, pink boots and a pink shirt. Curly jet black hair barely contained by the diamond studded white cowboy hat.

"Who in the name of Hoo are you?" axel asked.

A purse fell.

"I'm the San Franthico Kid. But you can call me Scott. Isn't this fabulous?"

to be continued.

Around the World in Eighty Days

In an effort to outdo Benjamin Nicholas as the King, excuse me, Queen of dishonest escorts, Scott Adler writes over at EscortSpeak:

Finally, this will be my 49th cruise. The 26th of which I will be
doing this particular Ensenada run. It's a family tradition every
year and it's the perfect cheap weekend getaway whenever you want
especially living in LA. Your questioning my loyalty to cruise
lacks your ability to actually utilize reading comprehension in what
I write.

Makes one wonder, as did Escortspeak mod BewareofNick, whether Scott began "cruising" when he was a tender lad of 17.....

Cory say. Scott, stick to swimming. At least that requires you to keep your mouth shut.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Metropolis Mailbag

The mail has been piling up here at the old New Hooville mailroom, so I thought I would answer a few of the questions that some of the readers have been asking.

To LK: No, I am not Chgoboy, JTRetardinBrooklyn, Rico, Cody Cosmos, BewareofNick or Scott Adler

To MB: I can't imagine that anyone there really likes him, but what can they do? I suppose we could ask Bruiser and Mayday

To 2Deep: Probably Doug69 and woodlawn

To CB: $500 and a room at the Hyatt Regency

To RH: Yes, dear, and I suppose you were the one who finally got through to Whitney too.

to KR: Not even with Tom Delay in a dress

Got a question or a comment? Post here on the News or write me at