Thursday, November 16, 2006

Metropolis Mailbag

The mail has been piling up here at the old New Hooville mailroom, so I thought I would answer a few of the questions that some of the readers have been asking.

To LK: No, I am not Chgoboy, JTRetardinBrooklyn, Rico, Cody Cosmos, BewareofNick or Scott Adler

To MB: I can't imagine that anyone there really likes him, but what can they do? I suppose we could ask Bruiser and Mayday

To 2Deep: Probably Doug69 and woodlawn

To CB: $500 and a room at the Hyatt Regency

To RH: Yes, dear, and I suppose you were the one who finally got through to Whitney too.

to KR: Not even with Tom Delay in a dress

Got a question or a comment? Post here on the News or write me at

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