Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So What Happened to Rico anyway?

Over at EscortSpeak, ChgoBoy made this post:

I share them with the audience here and now? Do yourself a favorErik; hold hands with Rico and step off the curb when you hear the voice of the twelve year old little girl saying..."Now is the time" That voice is the best thing to reality you will ever have. If you don't believe it, just watch and see what happens in eight (8) days from now to Rico.

And then Ethan/Erik McAlister/TheReasonPeopleHateLawyers/Dotan10 wrote:

You've had your eight days and then some.....Did I miss it?Did Rico miss it?Are you still a pathetic freak?No need to answer again. I believe that's already been determined.LOL

So, it seems that "Dotan" is actually the pathetic freak as Rico has had to shut down due to the evidence uncovered on him by Chgo Boy. So what exactly DID CB find? We're going to try to arrange an interview. Stay tuned.

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